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There’s more to this than meets the eye. This certainly applies to the concert The Jimi Hendrix Experience gave at the Royal Albert Hall in London on 24 February 1969. To us spectators it was a special night nonetheless, a memorable one. Anyone watching the group that night, the 17-year old author included, had no idea what forces were alive behind the scenes. This book tells the story of that legendary concert. It also tells the story leading up to it, and the aftermath.


The introduction of the book describes the story of the Experience from February to November 1968. The next chapter is dedicated to the time Jimi spent in New York in December ’68. We also look at the festival in The Netherlands that month, which Jimi missed attending. ‘The Sparkle Is Gone’ is the chapter which describes in depth Jimi’s return to England in January 1969, his appearance on the Lulu TV show, and the European tour by the Experience.


The body of this book is dedicated to the month of February ’69, as this was the month the group played at the Royal Albert Hall on the 18th and 24th. We read about the preparations, the history of the Royal Albert Hall, short biographies of the support acts, detailed reports of both concerts; also included are replicas of the concert programmes. The book contains personal accounts of the author of 24 February, when he was present during the afternoon rehearsals, as well as his recollections of the concert that night. In addition all the 46 photos he took during rehearsals and concert are presented here for the first time in large size in excellent quality. All the photos have been scanned from the original negatives.
“The Aftermath’ is the chapter which deals with the period Jimi spent after the second Royal Albert Hall concert until his departure to the USA in March. We read about the jams at the Speakeasy club in London, the interview sessions with the British press at the Brook Street apartment, and the encounters with his girlfriends.
Each chapter is accompanied by a detailed day-to-day diary for the period December 1968 to March 1969.


The book contains over 190 photos, many in colour and many never-before-seen.

One Last Experience – The Jimi Hendrix Experience at the Royal Albert Hall 1969

€ 32,95Price
  • Pages: 218
    Size: 230 x 300 mm
    Full color cover
    Number of color pages: 33
    Number of images: ± 190

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